
Lichess Game of the Month May - Contest

This game is from the 85th Rapid League against KovVa, a 1900-rated player, and was one of my best examples of an aggressive Jobava with my usual plan for a fast attack on the kingside and delayed queenside castling. Black didn't get a moment's respite and was perhaps feeling the pressure as they blundered their rook to a sniper bishop with 7 minutes left on the clock. I liked the flow of this game and I felt that there were no wasted tempi. My seemingly unstoppable f and g pawns marched relentlessly up the board to trap the black queen on move 28 and black resigned then with #9 on the board.

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I really like this excentric opening for White and in this game I had the chance to start a strong attack after the initial sacrifice on h1 after 14. g6
Nice, short and 99% accuracy and absolute crushing game by me...

This is a game where I beat IM I was playing for a draw in the opening so my moves might be inaccurate

I dont think it will win but I was very happy after this game and I almost broke my TV

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