
Smashing a lesser player

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I am the better player regardless if I lost 1 game to you.
@rmilin I have students who reached this rating in less than a year after first learning to move the pieces, I've also had friends who did the same. Some believe you actually don't start playing proficiently until your rating is over 1800 some believe above 2000, personally, I think rating, especially online is irrelevant unless you play chess religiously in which case it eventually reflects your strength. Not trying to discourage whatever small efforts you made over the past 20 years, however, to think it is some kind of incredible achievement that makes you somewhat more elite than others would be an embarrassing perspective especially if you think yourself to be an intelligent individual. of that 66% of player about 30% are fairly new (many of which are kids) to the game and cant actually play chess in a manner that can be deemed competitive, the others are either like you, stuck at a very low level for many years due to having no intention of truly improving since they are comfortable playing casually and the remainder are inactive accounts. Reading your blog the first thing I asked myself is if you're trolling or maybe I was witnessing some case of the Dunning-Kruger effect because it seems to be more than a case of being proud of one's own growth (Which I think everyone should be), the reality is you are actually really below average all things considered. If you were 1600 at anywhere between 4-18 years old then this entire thread would've gone the way you first imagined. PS. I've been playing for 10 years (which i still think is a ridiculously long time to have as low a rating as I have) yet i still managed to win a few tournaments and scrape wins here and there against titles players (GM,IM,FM's,CM's) etc and I still consider myself old and weak in which case many would agree. But after seeing this post i suddenly feel like I might be the second coming of Magnus.
@rmilin said in #13:
> When my classical rating is at 1700 it will say I am better then 66% of the players I don't see what is so funny about that or my 110 IQ making me more intelligent then 75% of the population why is that so hard for you to believe, do you think everyone is low IQ like almost half the people on here or do you think everybody is smart but me?

Really braging ... Just to say, not braging, I'm 145 IQ and better than 93% of classical players.
No matter what anyone says I know I can always at least beat 66% of the players in classical chess so I am an above average chess player.

My 110 IQ is also above average top 25% of the population.

I also got a 680 on my math SAT test beating out ex president Obama 680 to 640.

Because of my high SAT score I went to the University of Maryland majoring in aerospace engineering at just 17 years old.

To suggest a person like me is stupid does not say much for the rest of the population since the majority of the people will never play chess in the top third will never have a IQ in the top 25% and will never finish in the top 1% on the SAT test and will never attend a University majoring in aerospace engineering.

You call me a troll I don't think you people even know what a troll is. I am not a troll I am a real person and I mean what I say and speak the truth.
@rmilin said in #25:
> No matter what anyone says I know I can always at least beat 66% of the players in classical chess so I am an above average chess player.
> My 110 IQ is also above average top 25% of the population.
> I also got a 680 on my math SAT test beating out ex president Obama 680 to 640.
> Because of my high SAT score I went to the University of Maryland majoring in aerospace engineering at just 17 years old.
> To suggest a person like me is stupid does not say much for the rest of the population since the majority of the people will never play chess in the top third will never have a IQ in the top 25% and will never finish in the top 1% on the SAT test and will never attend a University majoring in aerospace engineering.
> You call me a troll I don't think you people even know what a troll is. I am not a troll I am a real person and I mean what I say and speak the truth.

Calm down and stop braging please.
66% of the chess population of this site you clown.
And it doesnt mean you can beat 66% of them, just that your current rating is above 66% (which is inflated btw). You will lose a lot of games against players with lower rating than you.
Like 80% of the population are just casual players. around 70% mediocre or beginners.

To paraphrase, you are saying you can barely beat a cripple in a sprint race, and in a no consistent manner.

And you are the lesser player to any strong amateur, because you dont even reach that level. Nothing to brag, as strong amateurs are quite bad compared to actual dedicated players who cant even reach a title.

You are a classical Dunning-Kruger example.
@rmilin I never heard that Magnus or all those world champions, or all those Grandmasters... who has ever bragged how strong they are. If Magnus loses to a lower rated player, it was normal. If you are right, then it means Magnus could beat every chess player, is that so? Grandmasters, even World champions, they still have to train and prepare to make themselves stronger in the tournament...
@rmilin said in #16:
> Watch this game in real time and you will see it is like a symphony of elite chess as I turn a losing position into a easy victory and now you will know why some call me Magnus.

You cannot beat anyone if they don’t made one single mistake, no matter how strong you are. Even if you are Stockfish, if I don’t one single smallest mistakes, it is impossible to defeat me. You did not beat anybody; they beat themselves. So if he did without a mistake, it is an easy win for him. So I think the most important thing is to make yourself stronger in chess, and try to make lesser and lesser mistakes. Why Stockfish could beat Magnus? Because Stockfish won’t made mistake and Magnus would. If you was beaten, he didn’t actually beat you, because you made a mistake, and beat yourself.

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