
What does the horse icon stand for?

@MrPushwood than agadmator is way cooler on his friends account than in his video titles for 5 years olds. Take the fork. No agadmator i have to watch the authentic fischer game vs short. All his life fischer cared for style, only to play disgusting crap like nakamura when old. Thats how every wc dreams to end up in old age.
And ak, nope you're not stupid. Although maybe I am (for not knowing who or what agadmator is)...
its supposed to be a horsy but i have no idea what that means.
last april fools, lichess put up that icon.... and then removed it the next day. since it received so much positive views though, and a few people were heartbroken that the kiddie icon had been removed, that is why lichess put it on it's merch and on the 👍👎😆🤔💖...

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