
What does the horse icon stand for?

Around 2003 I was approached by a 'guest' on ICC who asked me to tell 'Mr Short' that the hotel meeting was still on...
Shorts handle on ICC at that time was 'NDShort' and he wasnt logged in, so I followed this 'guest' around for a bit and he told me he was Fischer...for some unexplainable reason I believed him 100% and was checking out his opponents for him and I recorded about 6 or so games, he moved incredibly fast and he told me it was down to a touchscreen computer he had...later when I contacted Short he told me to send the games to an email address at chessbase which I duly did...after that I never heard no more about it until 'Fischer' contacted me again, I told him he had conned me and he wasn't Fischer and he simply ':)' and I never heard from him again...the games were published in an article on chessbase some years later but I was never mentioned as the source.

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