
Are you crazy?!

I'm sorry but them activating kid mode when you reported the people is really really funny to me.
If you dislike kid mode and if you do not want to switch chat off, then do not complain about insults or otherwise abusive chat.
You need no chat to enjoy chess.
You need no chess to enjoy chat.
Lichess activated kid mode, is that possible? Why would they do like that? Why do they even have the report option if they don't want to process the reports?
I am off the kid mode because I can't write anything in forum when my kid mode is on .in general we don't need chat when we are play with other players.@tpr
@Donya1386 There is a button to turn the chat off. You can always chat if you like and disable it if they are unfriendly, or not chat at all and disable it in the settings. It's your choice. But I suggest to reply them something unless you really don't feel like it. Then block that jerk and report. Keep smile!
I agree with you, if they say something bad, I will block them.

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