
Is the Botvinik variation in the Semi-Slav just not playable anymore?

I wonder after researching with engines that white always has at least a +0.5 advantage with a pleasant edge in the position and black is risking everything...

In the forced lines black can usually force a draw but even as black I need a weapon that can help me win games and not draw them if my opponents are prepared... Should I just avoid the Botvinik variation entirely?
I am not sure about the highest levels, but as far as I understand it is playable.

Though I personally believe more so in practical terms for black as the middle game is super hard to navigate for white, as the far advanced queenside pawns and blacks activity is immensely strong.

But objectively if white is more prepared, it is just very difficult for black. The ending positions seems dang hard to defend for black, often by way of pure theory, black ends up in objectively drawn positions where there is material unbalances (and black usually have no real winning chances).
Stuff like black being up a piece but white having 2 connected past pawns with or without rooks etc.
A nightmare to defend in my eyes, only white can win or make a draw.

Still, by looking at your profile I am far below your strength, but nobody ever reached such endgames in my games.

As far as avoiding the Botvinnik or not, thats up to you.
If you enjoy it, play it. It is by far one of the most (if not the most) tactical and wild variation in all of chess. Realistically these super drawn computer endgames, you will very rarely face as reaching them is not trivial for white and white needs to know tons of variations of 30+ and even some closing in to 40+ moves.
(To be fair, black needs to know a boatload of theory to survive also, but personally I feel its easier as it usually all revolves around direct play with the far advanced queenside pawns and activity before everything, usually white at some points must sacrifice a piece for those pawns ending up in said endgames.)

Some believe or say more quiet lines, give black more winning chances then pure heavy theoretical lines such as the Botvinnik. I kind of agree. But it all again depends on what you like. If you like a tactical slugfest where dynamics rule, you will find no better place.
@Champignon said in #2:
> I am not sure about the highest levels, but as far as I understand it is playable.
> Though I personally believe more so in practical terms for black as the middle game is super hard to navigate for white, as the far advanced queenside pawns and blacks activity is immensely strong.
> But objectively if white is more prepared, it is just very difficult for black. The ending positions seems dang hard to defend for black, often by way of pure theory, black ends up in objectively drawn positions where there is material unbalances (and black usually have no real winning chances).
> Stuff like black being up a piece but white having 2 connected past pawns with or without rooks etc.
> A nightmare to defend in my eyes, only white can win or make a draw.
> Still, by looking at your profile I am far below your strength, but nobody ever reached such endgames in my games.
> As far as avoiding the Botvinnik or not, thats up to you.
> If you enjoy it, play it. It is by far one of the most (if not the most) tactical and wild variation in all of chess. Realistically these super drawn computer endgames, you will very rarely face as reaching them is not trivial for white and white needs to know tons of variations of 30+ and even some closing in to 40+ moves.
> (To be fair, black needs to know a boatload of theory to survive also, but personally I feel its easier as it usually all revolves around direct play with the far advanced queenside pawns and activity before everything, usually white at some points must sacrifice a piece for those pawns ending up in said endgames.)
> Some believe or say more quiet lines, give black more winning chances then pure heavy theoretical lines such as the Botvinnik. I kind of agree. But it all again depends on what you like. If you like a tactical slugfest where dynamics rule, you will find no better place.

That is very useful insight! Yeahh it really does come down to whether I like and can handle the complications or not. In hindsight it might just not be my thing but it's very interesting nonetheless. May be a good weapon against stronger players with whom I'm happy drawing with in the forcing lines.

Thank you!
this forum is not the place if you want a qualified answer tbh
you should probably ask your coach if you have one

but here is my take:
"even as black I need a weapon that can help me win games and not draw them if my opponents are prepared"
you are at a level where that probably is not really possible, at least if we are talking about longer time controls.
most openings such as your botvinnik variation need high maintainace to keep up with the theory and to actually get winning chances as black. but there is no way around it i believe.
After doing some research on concrete lines I firmly think that the Botvinik variation is unplayable but that's of course my personal opinion, gonna have to switch my weapons here and choose a calmer line I think

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