
Chess Books: Thoughts on Reading Program

@Phoenix2010 said in #9:
> Hello All!
> I was thinking of making lichess more active by organizing huge team battles with many players in it.
> I have an Idea for that how does it goes you guys tell me..
> 1. We will create a TEAM BATTLE of the world.. ( like - Team India, Team PAKISTAN , Team AFGHANISTAN, Team- China etc...)
> 2. Time control 3+0 blitz .
> Time- ARENA for 2 hours max!
> WINNERS will be announced through a blogpost..
> What say?!
> For this idea to come in reality i need some help of my fellow friends..
> If anyone interested to help do contact me.. COLLABORATIONS r imp!!!!
> - @Phoenix2010
Anyone interested PING pls!!!!!!
It , cant hurt to have a plan or schedule for reading, just keep in mind that doesnt mean the info is absorbed in that order. One can continue to benefit from a good book long after it is finished, Chess learning isnt a linear process.
Actually, I think it can hurt...if you get too monolithic and pre-packaged with the whole business.

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