
Can it be a draw in the Horde variation of chess game?

Are there any positions without complete distrustion of pieces and figures, where the game ends in a draw? (in Horde)
In horde there are possible stalemate positions,which are drawn.
Yes there are numerous draws in horde.

1) Draw by agreement
2) Stalemate
3) 50 move rule is in effect if it were to ever get to this point
4) Draw by insufficient material
5) 3 fold repetition if the pawns promote and do this for some reason
#3 Never seen 50-move-rule (sounds absurd when a side is just pawns) nor 3-fold repetition (same).

Stalemates are pretty common (especially white being stalemate with one column of blocked pawns).

And I've heard insufficient material happens sometimes when black sacs everything and white remains with only one queen that cannot mate alone. Never had that occur in my games though.
In this game , stock fish evaluation position to zero .
Black would be unable to capture pawn at a5 at the end and while it is white to move his last pawn is blocked. This is similar to stalemate idea.


Absurd yes, impossible no. I'm just stating what is possible, not about how common it is. Probably 99% of horde draws are stalemate or agreed.

Realistically how to get 3 fold repetition in this variation: Pawn side promotes, and checks the king around and winds ups repeating a position on accident a few times, or on purpose a few times because time is low for them and they dont' want to flag. Or even after promoting they have very few or no pawns left ,and black still has an army.

How 50 move rule is possible: Imagine a position where there is like... knight + king left vs 3 pawns. The knight and king manage to take out 2 of the 3 pawns, but that 3rd pawn is not in range. So this results in a further simplification. Now it's King plus knight vs queen. At this point I think it might be fair to call the game on insufficient mating material, however technically the queen could hang itself thus losing so that's probably not the given draw. So the queen dances around the board unable to be a danger to the king that can give away the knight for free if it wants as it doesn't need it not to be mated. A queen by itself will never mate. Unless of course the players agree to draw at some point before 50.

I let them take the rook on move 94, then my king and the queen walked around 50 more moves getting 50 move rule on 144 (6 short of auto resign)

Then here I am claiming a draw by 3 fold repetition.
An insufficient material draw would come I think... If the pawn side had 1 queen, or any other piece, and nothing else. The king side had only a king. Then the king side runs out of time. There is no possible win for the pawn side so then a draw by insufficient material may be claimed.

The pawn side has no way to get an insufficient material draw because as long as the king side has at least the king then in theory it's possible to capture each and every pawn on the board and win.

Just my understanding of it
OP said "without complete distrustion of pieces and figures", somewhat excluding 3 fold repetition and the likes, but fine, let's turn this into a nitpicking thread.

> The pawn side has no way to get an insufficient material draw because ...

@lurarose :

Good luck winning that with the king.

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