
Beating two FMs with Black in a row

So, I had a funny sequence happen today. I was playing a blitz mini-match against an FM on lichess. He was beating me pretty badly, and then I won the third game of the match (with Black) and then he immediately left (of course). The funny thing is, that right after that game, I queued up for another blitz game, got paired against another FM, also with Black, and won that game too. Unsurprisingly, he didn't want a rematch either. Anyway, I think the games were okay, at least for blitz standards, and the story was funny, so I decided to post it in the forums! Hope you will enjoy the games, and of course, feel free to share any thoughts or questions below. Cheers!

I wonder if the pun "He was beating me pretty badly" was intended, considering the player's username.

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