
Shortest Meaningful Game

What is the shortest time control where I can analyze a game and reasonably hope to gain something meaningful from it. My reasonably, I mean I will find problems with my thinking to correct on a more or less regular basis. (Which means that a stupid piece sacrifice in ultrabullet doesn't count as a mistake I can learn from.)
I play tons of Blitz games, they reveal more than most people want to believe. For me just long games in time lapse.

This blitz = evil is outdated for decades, all the stars play training blitz and analyze thoroughly.
Yeah, you can scan a lot of openings in a short time and look them up. Of course hundred tournament games are better than hundred blitz games - but how to do?

Recommendation: my focus is on quality chess that’s why I am rather slow. I try to play „normal“ good moves - in contrast to playing fast or special blitz-only techniques.

Further advantages:

-you play yourself, no service to watch passively
-you have to show your skills in all phases of the game
It depends.

It's generally the stronger players that will derive some sort of value from faster time controls. This is because they already have a very solid understanding of chess that less experienced players lack. Faster games will give them an insight into how particular openings tend to unfold into their corresponding middle game phases, or how they can better manage their time, or whether their intuition /calculation abilities are up to par and the list goes on.

Whereas for the majority of chess players, they have a very shaky foundation to start with. Playing fast games with a weak foundation is less than ideal for chess improvement to say the least. This is one of the faster lanes to creating bad chess habits, since there is much greater room for repeating the same mistakes over and over again, since it can be justified by saying "it worked the last game", which is less likely to occur in longer games. Then comes the harsh truth when it doesn't work against a stronger opponent.

That being said, on my older accounts when lichess was relatively unheard of - I had played my fair share of bullet/blitz games. I can now say that I had not gained much or learned much at all from those games. I could tangibly see the error producing tendencies I accumulated from fast games creeping into longer time control games, which is when I personally decided to call quits on the faster time controls.

The advice I gave myself was to first get a solid foundation before building castles in the clouds. I can see a large difference and improvement in the quality of moves I make and in my general thought process having played classical games regularly. This is my take, at the end of the day you decide what time control is right for you. A good rule of thumb is have enough time so that every one of your moves has a clear purpose. Reputed chess youtubers say over 15 +10 min is a minimum if you are looking for serious improvement. Good question!
Disappointing, I thought this was going to be a thread about games that were short in move count yet featured some sort of brilliant tactical maneuver.

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