
Any complicated openings in d4?

Don't you know that Queen's Gambit leads to complicated and sharp games? Are you unaware about it or hate the opening without any reason?
@Gautham_A said in #1:
> Bored of drawing with London :| . Want some attacking complicated openings! ( pls don’t say queen’s gambit)
The Trompowsky Attack - 1. d4 Nf6 2. Bg5
1.d4 Nc6!
The most aggressive and tricky response there is
Study the games of Alekhine and Kasparov to gain knowledge and inspiration on how to play aggressively, and soundly, with 1.d4.
@Akbar2thegreat said in #38:
> OP asked about opening not Gambit.
> And it seems like you are a QG hater!

I thought a gambit is an opening.
QG is boring and I avoid it at all cost. Do you have a problem with my opinion??

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