
Sharp response to d4?

I like a grunfeld, one that's also pretty interesting is the tarrach defense, particularly the von-henning schara gambit
@jposthuma London is easy to play against with the Budapest, a friend and I made a nice, sharp line against it :)

(Anti-London line)
Grunfeld, Benoni...
Against the London, virtually any setup can be played.
Queens Indian, Kings Indian, Leningrad, Slav.... Etc.
But how to start the Dutch? I play 1.Nf3 and on ... 1. ... f7-f5 the tricky 2.d3 like MC did (idea e4, improved Lissizyn Gambit). Remember: White is in the driver‘s seat. ;)

There are not few who delay d4, so what‘s up with a sharp game? Benoni, Albin, Budapest - nothing works.
@Water_Flame I took one look at that anti-London line of yours and already found some issues with it. Actually quite a lot (how could 3...g5 possibly be good except against a patzer?!) but the most striking to my mind was 4. Bg3 Qb6 5. Bd3 Qxb2 6. Nd2 d5 where after any normal move like 7. Ne2 or 7. h4 white has absolutely wonderful compensation for a pawn.

I enjoy it when my opponents play moves that strand their king in the center and don't make sense positionally, and go out of their way to take pawns that I have lots of compensation for, but that is just me...
The Budapest being considered a sharp opening is kind of misleading. It can be sharp if white cooperates but if he doesn't, there is either an annoying knight coming to d5 or a powerful white bishop pair in a position where black doesn't have much going on otherwise.
Maybe it doesn't lose by force. It does get white a big advantage by force, but I guess those aren't one hundred percent the same thing.

That's really the only thing it has going for it. It really is.
@ChessDoofus I'd beg to differ but I don't care to argue with you. I just have a simple question for you: I came here asking for something against 1. d4, not on how to play against the London. So attacking our line on the Lit defense is kinda irrelevant

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