
Chess base or lichess analysis?

I have heard many say chess base is better, but equally as many say the opposite. I'm not sure what path to take, as I want to improve in tournaments and online games. My coach says the lichess analysis is only for masters since it only provides one move as a suggestion while chess base provides multiple, but I am still not sure :( Any advice?
I liked the Fritz interface better.

But havent used it for ages, always thought it was much better, well at least as mobile lichess.

But its been so long, i dont anymore if it was really so or if im making that up.

But no Fritz is much better you can analyse for a day if you want.

There are free versions you can use stockfish and aquarium, but im too dumb. So thats why i like Fritz the most.

The free version is probably just as good, but im too dumb to make the moves clickable.

If your not an Idiot like me, you can try the free version.
I mean, lichess is free. Isn't that the best reason to analyze on lichess?
@airfloo said in #4:
> I mean, lichess is free. Isn't that the best reason to analyze on lichess?

Well despite tweaking the analyse function, the analysis is not deep enough. The local analysis seems to not very good as well, or it is i dont know but it doesnt seem to save and you can analyse only one position. Not the entire game, or maybe its just the mobile App.

With chess programm you can set how long you analyze.

Last time computer said no inaccuracies, no mistakes no blunders and only 14 centipawn loss, but then i look at Master database and it says i played the opening not accurate and good.

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