
Win against someone 100+ Elo, only get 10 ratings points.

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I'm pretty sure it's just how the engine rates so you can play with players the same ELO as you, so you won't have to lose every match. ELO isn't something to compete about, but it's definitely good to improve and play with chess players that may be a bit better than you to challenge yourself.
Well, actually Elo is something to compete about...but this ain't Elo.
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Your rating deviation was higher, so you gained more points and lost more points from winning or losing. So if you lost against the same rating when you had a higher rating deviation, it could be the same as winning a higher rated when you have a lower rating deviation
Please stop calling the and lichess ratings "Elo". They are not "Elo". They are Glicko 2, which is a successor of the Elo rating system. It is much more accurate because it takes more variables into consideration. For example the confidence in the rating. If you have a rating with a low confidence (meaning: few datapoints in the past, because you haven't played many rated games for a while (or ever)), the rating change after a game is much higher. That is why, when you just started playing on lichess, your rating gain or loss after a game was in the 50-100 range. When the confidence in the rating grows (i.e. there is more datapoints/more rated games), the rating gain or loss decreases.

On a side note, @TipsChess_Official, it's "Elo", not "ELO". It is not an abbreviation, it is the last name of the person who invented the system.

EDIT: I just noticed that all of this is already explained in the link of #5. Sorry for the redundant posting.
> Win against someone 100+ Elo, only get 10 ratings points.

Many wins against someone 100+ Elo, will get much more than 10 rating points.

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