
What to play?

The Bh6 line seems promising at glance.

Especially the Bh6 ... Rf2 ... O-O-O variation XD

More seriously, Bh6

... gxh6 Qxf6+ Kg8 Qxg6 (threatens Ng5 → Qxh7#)
... Bxa2 Ng5 Rg7 Rxa2 (I'd eval this as at least +1 materially; overall likely more given the expected protected passed pawn(s) on f/g/h columns necessiating tying up one or two of black's minor pieces.)

Or ... Ng8 . Bxg7+ Kxg7 . Qg4+ Kh8 . Nh4 (to ease white's kingside rook into play, and to threaten Ng6+ following Bxf7)
... Nh6? (threatens Queen, f5 pawn) . Qh3 (threatens Qxh6+ following Ng6+ ?xg6)
. .. Bh5 . Rf3? (baits, if Bxf3 Ng6 hxg6 Qxh6#)
. . . Rg8 . Bxg8 Qxg8 . Rg3 Qf8 | and white is better by at least a pawn + pushing two passed pawns in the Ng6+ line, with less minor pieces to block.

No engine use, so there's probably a refutation to the above somewhere.
I was thinking of Be3 followed by Nd2, Rf3 and Rh3. Black can probably play Bxa2 somewhere, but the attack looks promising.
If I'm looking at the same position (fen was a little weird) white's bishop on h2 is pretty useless, and I'm not a fan of any other placement. My instinct would be to play something like g4 or kh1 and launch the pawns to shake stuff up.
This does not look like a game of Capablanca.
Nimzovich would probably have played g4.
I would play c4 to prevent bishop exchange and d5 and then push g4.
c4 and then what with Ba2? Ba2-b1-c2-d1 takes long.
Why avoid trading bishops? Black has the good bishop, white the bad bishop outside the pawn chain. Trading bishops favours white. Bxf7 helps black with ...Nxf7. Therefore I would play g4 right away and let him take e.g. g4 Bxa2 Rxa2.
@Sarg0n #1
At first sight I found Nf3-g5 somewhat tempting (with the idea of provoking h7h6 and then Bxh6 and a rook lift Rf3) but the longer I look at the position, the more solid black's position looks like :)
But maybe I'm overlooking a tactical or positional win for white ?

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