
I'm a beginner (1300 classic) and I struggle playing blacks

@Swindler930 what do you mean with a sharp opening? I'm a beginner myself and my current classical rating is 1350, the funny thing is that I always tend to play the sicilian as black against e4 openings and I can't remember the last time I lost playing that opening. In fact it might be my favourite opening.
You have no problem playing black. You have a problem playing too fast and playing blunders. In this game you were completely winning with black until you blunder. I recommend playing slower. I recommend to switch on move confirmation. Think about your move, make your move, check it is no blunder, then confirm it.
Here is another one: same pattern: doing well, playing too fast, a blunder, and lost.
Hello, yes you are right, opening wasn't bad in those, 2 blunders, wasnt very focused today...and I am aware that you can't play chess if you are distracted. The one above I just didn't see the risk and the one below as soon as I moved I knew I messed up. thanks for the help

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