
Please Allow us to use the old VERSION!

Yes this version is unusable. Need fixing or everyone will find another program. I can not see board or pieces. Everything is way to large for computer screen to even get it to fit tried reducing screen size the words got smaller but not anything else.
I'm not resilient to changes, the new v2 it's amazing, even though as a matter of fact today I just asked myself what was my chess24 username and password. If I cannot see my stats (winning percentage, losing streak, etc.) what is the point of playing?
How to be users of old wines or other OS? I like the small board sizes. I suspect that the new code is poisonous for many old machines, OS, etc.
I do not play Racing Kings, yet I did check 8th line and hey nothing happened, I could play it without any dizziness or focus troubles lol I am playing on Win 8.1, Mozilla, res 1366x768. I did even connect my HD tv, to check Lichess on 1920x1080 res, and still flawless. So it really starts to look as a troll topic if u are stating your troubles without adding any specifics of hardware or software. I am sure problem is on your end. Some real "deep" statements below and hopefully I managed to give solutions :D

"horrible font size and alignment" eeee what?

"Somehow the pieces have way less resolution now" Nope

"This design causes dizziness" Please check with your doctor
"It is hard for the eyes" same as above

"new board is very big" you can resize it

" sucks, and now lichess is going to the same way" nice troll, Lord Trolldemort

"The pieces are blurry" Check your glasses, try changing screen res, or just for first time in life clean your screen from dust

"My god the board is way too big" you can resize it

"Tbh as long as we're forced to use the new lichess v2 design, I'ma head over to" lol, you are welcome back in 3, 2, 1...

"I really don't like how everything is so BIG now" you are scared of BIG things?

"When i'm in a game now, the board is always on the left side of the screen instead of centered because the time clock is so big" on my both screens it is always around the center. And btw what's the difference where the board on screen is? On chess24 it's all the way to left, yet it dind't affect my chess level lol

"I can't use lichess since then" oh boy... I hope you will find strength inside you to learn how to use it

And my favorite :) >>> "I am considering looking for another site or directly stop playing online chess for this same reason" Just please write what was your final decision, I can't sleep without knowing if u found another website or you quit chess, because of what Lichess did to u lol

Have a great day people, no offence :D

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