
Any manual for creating exercises as studies?

I'm a bit confused about creating and using studies.

Is it possible for an ordinary user to create puzzles, or training exercises, so that one could against an engine?
How to use your own interactive study (not in editing mode, but as a user)?

Is there any manual on how to create studies?
@Noobmasterplayer123 Thank you, but this doesn't quite fit the bill. I've created a public study highlighting the problems (or my lack of understanding of how things work):

One problem, I think, is that there's no distinction between "Editing mode" and "Play mode". That means, one can either make a cookie, or eat it. I'd like to do both :).

Or do I miss something?

P.S. Now that I posted a link, I see my test study in "user mode", with the octopus. But if I click it, I can only edit it.
If I remember correctly, there is a "Preview" button right under the chessboard. It allows you to switch from one mode to the other.

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