
Unusual chess puzzle (99% player don't know this)

In this puzzle white have king and 3 pawns and black have only king. You have to arrange position which is forced draw. Following are certain conditions for this puzzles.

1-Arranged position will be white to play
2-White will play for win
3-No double or triple pawns are allowed (for e.g. a2,a3 or b5,b6,b7)

post your answers here
Answer will be published tomarrow on same forum

If you cant wait to see answer then you can see the answer here -
Very neat puzzle!

I thought it was going to be some sort of a silly trick puzzle or something like you did not [clearly] say it's white to move so just h6/g6/f7 + black to move on h8 = draw type thing. There's a legitimate answer. Feel bad about looking it up, but not a chance in a million I would've found it. Took a while to believe it even after seeing the answer!
Very nice. But this can't possibly be the only solution.. or is it?
@clutchnutz As per my knowledge only 1 position(setup) fulfiles all condition.( ofcourse you can arrange same position on other side of the board). so yes this position have only 1 answer
never heard of this, pretty neat :) I have found one setup, is it the only one? I wont post it so as not to spoil the fun, thx for sharing

edit: never mind I am braindead, I forgot something simple

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