
It’s Never Too Late to Resign

Very good article. I think no beginner should ever be told they MUST resign when materially down - it is simply an arrogant mentality perpetuated by the elites who feel it is their right to have a win as easily as possible, while in reality they simply do not want the risk of being swindled.
I always resigned in my move when I bludered. But sometimes, when I didn't see my error, my oponent blundered himself and in the analysis, after I WON the game, I realized what happened... I have an study (it's private) of this games. There are like 10 games in there.
The article is very nice, I would just like to remark that the third position was actually playable even after 1...Nh4?? 2.Nxh4, e.g. 2...Re1+ 3.Rxe1 Rxe1+ 4.Bf1 Rb1 with an endgame which might well be defensible. (Or maybe not, who knows?) Defending it for further 60 moves might be tough, but there are good drawing chances.
As for the final example by Mr Thanadon (Qd5xg2 Nb5 Qxh2), I guess that it was related to premoves or half-premoves (played in a fraction of second, but without really noting what the opponent had played) rather than anything else. Valid in online blitz, but less so over the board. Anyway, the articles are really good!
So I read this article, then went into a blitz game. and made this lovely move right here.

I saw my mistake as soon as I made the move. I forgot that the F pawn(which I just ate with my queen move) was no longer in front of the rook. My opponent seemed to have noticed something was off, because this was the move they finally started using time. But I had this article in mind, and waited for about a minute as the opponent was assessing the situation and they moved Qe7 and was put in a checkmate just a few moves later!
I think this can apply in any chess variant. I was playing atomic and I had a crushing attack. In a critical moment, I put my queen where a bishop could eat it, and I was going to hit resign, but I remembered this blog (which I read 15 minutes before the match) and stopped my hand. 5 seconds later, my opponent moved his king and I delivered mate in three. Thanks for giving me a +1 in atomic today :D