
It’s Never Too Late to Resign

Many thanks for the useful article and golden advice , as some says never give-up .. oh wait never resign :)
Hilarious. I think I already wrote a dozen times in twitch chats and forums to not resign during your opponent's move.
This is a really great article. I really like the examples and I will say that it is hilariously funny!
Good psychological point, but I think that, unless high stakes in losing, assuming best play in adversary might be a more long term way of progressing than the few opportunistic wins one might get from letting the opponent not play best.

Although, one might not play anymore if pushing my sentence above to its logical limit. Why even start to play a game if you know you are not the best, and assume the best of the other.. why play if you are not going to win? I answer below.

I just wanted to mention the other side of the same starting point. In reality, i would have other arguments about not resigning early. Even if opponent best, chess is still beautiful. so why quit? why not keeping looking at the game conclusion(s) being made real.

The thing is there is still some chess to experience. What's the emergency?
@Harishrockz said in #18:
> I think a 1900 is better than a 2600 in blitz
> (lol)
No beacuse a 2600 in blitz is faster smarter and agressive