
Bullet chess addiction

Read Epicurus the ancient Greek philosopher. For example via the excellent mantlethought web-blog cq web-site

All pleasure in life is good, if in moderation, is the nutshell of his advice. One chocolate is good even two maybe, a dozen or more less so. Same with donuts and one-or-two very OK a whole box maybe less so. One or two beers too, but not 20x.

Plenty of apps like stayfocusd or counterpart that self-limit internet time exposure to any getting-out-of-hand, to almost fixation level, of exposure to any one activity. Less is more in some ways.

There are however far more destructive ways to always seek out the next fix. Chess after all is a fully intellectual and cognitive pursuit that explores so many ways to interact with other humans, even semi-anonymous souls on the Inet highway. There are many worse things to conceive of getting addicted to. Just my 2 cents by the way.

Enjoy if it gives sustained enjoyment, curtail usage if it becomes more of a compulsive need that does not truly satisfy. Up to you.

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