
How to play for a win in these type of positions?

The aforementioned position arises after move 11
You cannot, it is even. You can play on and hope for your opponent to make a mistake. Take care that you are not the one making the mistake.
I like the open c file
Sometimes my opponents blunder over there and the game then starts to tip in my favour
And I have played other variations as well
I switched to exchange slav when I started blundering the c pawn without compensation
The position is not only equal but as drawish as it can get. Everything symmetrical.

To my limited knowledge there is no way to really play this for a win. One can only keep on playing, trying to make the best move always and hope for a mistake from the opponent, like tpr mentioned above. Maybe an endgame can still be won later by the stronger player, but that is certainly not because of the current position after move 11 then.

In my experience, if you try to push for a win that simply is not there, you might just blunder away the draw and end up losing instead. It is not so easy to create an imbalance without taking risks or weakening your own position too much.

In practical play it may be the best strategy to keep on playing as boring moves as you can but don't agree to a draw, so that the opponent might get bored, annoyed, frustrated and most of all impatient, thus inducing him to blunder in his rush to be the one to create imbalance.

In short: Patience is your friend in positions like this!
In symmetrical positions, your pieces rules the game. If you want to out-play him, it will have to be with piece activity. If you change the pawns, you will be dis-advantaged. And the first moves from move 11 are pawn moves... This is a fundamental misunderstanding of the position. I'll dig up some example later and post it, but don't have time atm.
Here is Wesley So beating Magnus Carlsen with the same pawns. The activity of his pieces tell the story. The pawns are secondary.

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