
The queen of england died.

@PTX187 said in #18:
> @NaturalBornTraveller
> For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:
> 4 a time to weep, and a time to laugh;
> 5 a time to throw away stones, and a time to gather stones together;
> 7 a time to tear, and a time to sew;
> a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
> 8 a time to love, and a time to hate;
There is a time to preach and a time to start numberings at 1.
@AbJayAN said in #5:
> Yeah a FULL rainbow right outside the palace after her death? A coincidence!
@A_0123456 said in #4:
> RIP :(
> The rainbow tho
I saw no rainbow where I was :(((((
@Ifancy_potato said in #25:
> I'm american yet i am mourning with you.
That's nice. It's just that on a Discord server, several Americans were very disrespectful.
@ShootingStar34 said in #26:
> That's nice. It's just that on a Discord server, several Americans were very disrespectful.
a poll was taken and only 14% of americans disliked her and 68% had favorable views.
@PxJ said in #20:
> This is communist propaganda paid by Putin.

Of course it is: says ~425 Mio EURO and an income of 76.1 Mio EURO per year
says 600 million and a 25% of the Crown Estate, a 28 billion $ portfolio, bringing in 475 million in 2020, according to Forbes says the "Sovereign Grant" was £86.3m per year, furthermore she got 15% (since 2017 25%) of the Crown Estates income and furthermore the income of the Duchy of Lancaster, ~£20m a year says basically the same.

Now, of course, Newsweek, BBC and Yahoo are known communist propaganda platforms, as well as all the german press. And because Putin is a closet-communist they will spread his agenda most prominently.
She wielded no military power, but did she all she could to be a good person?

I'd say in the last 20 years she wasn't really involved in any.decision making anymore anyway.

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