
The queen of england died.

In my place, there's no king nor queen even president only corrupt senator...any way rip queen
I mean I don't have any emotional attachment to her, other than that I must have waved at her when I was 3 years old and she was visiting my hometown in Germany, as my mum assured me. But Queen Elizabeth never had any scandals or slipped, other than her husband ("Gott hab ihn selig").

The slightly scary bit is that now her slightly deranged son is going to take over as King. That could be funny (or maybe not).

I think John Oliver got it quite right:
@Mopman said in #37:
> Your flag says you are from/allied with North Korea.
> North Korea criticizing any other countries leaders ?

Actually seeing this sort of comment about my origin/affiliation was what pointed me to publicize it in first place.
@Nomen-Nonatur said in #45:
> Actually seeing this sort of comment about my origin/affiliation was what pointed me to publicize it in first place.

The world will not express any sympathy when Kim Fatty The Third , dictator of North Korea kicks the bucket.
@Mopman said in #46:
> The world will not express any sympathy when Kim Fatty The Third , dictator of North Korea kicks the bucket.

"Kim Fatty The Third"? Do you intend me to invent similarly disgusting fantasy titles for whoevers pucker you use to kiss in return? In fact, you are perfectly entitled to every opinion you are able to have. I just do not have to be interested in hearing or reading them.
@Nomen-Nonatur said in #47:
> "Kim Fatty The Third"? Do you intend me to invent similarly disgusting fantasy titles for whoevers pucker you use to kiss in return? In fact, you are perfectly entitled to every opinion you are able to have. I just do not have to be interested in hearing or reading them.

Notice you have not even attempted to dispute the articles from all over the world showing just how murderously cruel Kim Fatty the Third is.
@Mopman said in #48:
> Notice you have not even attempted to dispute the articles

Am I obligated to? You seem to think so, but you are mistaken.

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