
Tree-check tips, traps and opening

Hi there !

What is the "standart" opening of tree-check and the common traps ?

What is your tips to progress in tree-check ?

Thanks in advance for your answers

Other than avoiding "free" checks along the a4-e8/a5-d1 diagonals, I think the best approach is to simply grab as much space as possible. Initiative counts for a lot as well - it's not uncommon to sacrifice rooks or even a queen for a quick attack. That said, I think a beginner trap is to quickly sacrifice a piece (say Nc3, Nb5, and Nxc7+) for the first check. This generally backfires not because of the material loss per se but because it retards ones own development.
don't play for one check, play for a series of 2 or more checks. take one if its free, but otherwise choose your sacrifices wisely. I'm not gonna say sac every game, but find a sac every game ;)
Thanks for all your answer !

But, @Zugaddict: what is for you the opening for the white or black to have the much space ? c4,f4 ?!Nc3, Nf6 ?
#3 Well said.

#7 Three-check is a relatively unexplored variant (as far as I can tell) such that opening books and endgame tablebases don't exist. The scidb Stockfish fork for this variant is untested. Possibly engine ChessV is tested, I can't tell:

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