
GM Andrew Tang Wins Lichess Titled Arena 5

Awkward discussion to have. He won the money, it's up to him what to do with it.

Asking him 'directly' (in a sense) - but moreso publicly - is bad mannered.
Too bad Magnus wasn't in shape. I think that was mainly the result of him not playing bullet for almost a month, that's quite a deal, but also the chit-chat with his mates, we can clearly see in the stream how that made him lose concentration (stupid fork). Without forgetting his cursed internet connection.
Anyway, congrats to Andrew for the first place and to Alireza for the amazing performance and second place.
What a great performance by Andrew! It was a really close tournament, his nerves are unbelievably robust to perform so well in such a high pressure situation.

It's impossible not to compliment Magnus' amazing generosity in donating the 1st prize reward 4 times in a row! Bravo to him for investing the money towards lesser known players that can earn it, and showing that love of the game is the most rewarding reason to play.
So the guy (babaramdev) who was kicking magnus' ass is the same guy who was banned from for fairplay violations? Suspicious.
@adondevamos you know that he streamed this event, so if he managed to cheat during the stream it would be very surprising. Also he didn't win the tournament. Next it looks like he was banned for some older games (which is not something one of us can decide as we don't even know the games) and so there is no indication for any illegal stuff. Just a bad day by Magnus coupled with some good games and escapes.
I think the prize should have been split more equally, there's a big difference between 1st place and the rest. Before the tournamnet it didn't seem logical to me how the money was distributed, now with the results it's even more obvious that it's not fair that only the winner takes practically the whole pot. Two teenagers where fighting for $2750 on a 1 minute game, insane. At least the 2nd place should have taken $500.
We are fortunate to have a generous World Champion. And who is willing to always play (till the end) despite being in bad shape.
My guess is that the next titled event will have half the amount of players because the vast majority of cash is gone. But fun none the less.

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