
How can Lichess confirm a person is a cheater?

Same quote here: a sophisticated AI prevails.

"... Instead these systems are based more on probability. Big websites have millions of games to analyse - including games with confirmed GMs to learn from. A fraud detection algorithm can consider unlimited questions like:

If black has a 3 pawn lead but lots of unguarded pieces and down a knight, how likely are they to aggressively recapture instead of defend?

If black has been playing aggressively, how likely are they to play a very difficult to calculate defensive move?

When black has 15 available moves, 10 of which are pretty good, how long will it take for black to play a move?

Black has played 20 straight GM level moves and has a strong material lead. What are the odds that black will now play an amateur blunder? A "look I'm not cheating" move?

Is black suddenly playing like a GM whenever there's one really important move?

Does black suddenly play very well mid game if they are slightly behind? How likely is a human to do that?

Is black playing hard to calculate moves just as fast as easy to calculate recaptures?

Note how in all those cases, whenever I said "mid game" it could have been 10 turns in, 15, 17, whatever, each with different probability calculations. When I said "engine" it could have been any one of twenty engines. When I said 3 pawns and 1 knight, it could have been X pawns and Y knights.

If you analyse millions of games and programmatically construct probabilistic answers to thousands, even millions of questions like this, you can make a "threshold" system that is far more accurate than anything a human could come up with by comparing naively to an engine. Some questions turn out to be poor predictors of cheats. Some turn out to be great predictors - a human does not decide which are the best questions to ask, or with what parameters. I'm basically describing machine learning - which is definitely what the better systems must be doing. ..."

When they are working for one company in a competitive market in which such an admission would damage "their company"

lol, tell me another joke please :)
I think in the specific case of analysis board use, Lichess can auto-detect if an instance of analysis board is following a game and auto-flag for that.
If you want to get rid of a cheaters tag do the following:

1) Abandon the account
2) Start a new account
3) Don't cheat again
If you want to get rid of the cheaters tag, do these 3 things:
1. Stop being a cheater.
2. Stop being a cheater.
3. Stop being a cheater.
I really don't get why people cheat. I understand to some extent, they get pissed off and they really can't stand losing.
But it's obvious when you cheat and win, next game will be harder and you'll feel the need to cheat again. Then you continue to cheat and win to where you have %0 chance of winning without cheating.
It's like getting addicted to drugs. For a couple of games it's all fun, but later, you cheat/drug to feel normal.
@zugzwang2019 People cheat for a number of reasons.

1) They are a poor sport.
2) They do not respect the rules.
3) They don't care if they will get caught.
4) They think they are too smart to get caught.
5) They are just trolling
6) Bored
7) "Fake it till you make it" ideology
8) Tiny Penis

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