
Billionaire cheats against Vishy!

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Such a shameless guy, that billionaire.Tarnishing his name, disrespecting Vishy and marring the charity event with his foul and dirty cheating.He didn't even know how to apologize.What a shame.Doesn't matter if he is a billionaire, he is just absolutely shameless and any random guy with some honesty and decency is better than he.

Who knows ? Maybe he cheated in his business as well or he clearly did use his "stocks" to an advantage.
Had Vishy chose not to resign most probably it wouldn't have made this big a issue . Clever thing done by innocent looking Vishy .
If he's willing to cheat so openly and unabashedly in a friendly game in which he has no stakes, imagine what he does behind the scenes in his business dealings. I think this incident proves that he is just a chronic cheater, and he is very stupid. He's obviously gotten away with cheating in other areas of life so he's got used to it and he believes there will never be any consequences. maybe he's right...
Average centipawn loss is not the only thing they consider If they only considered average cenipawn loss everyone would cheat till end and sacrifice everything and still win also where is centipawn loss high there is only 1 mistake in the game its 18 #8
If Algorithm detects a pattern of never letting your advantage go despite blundering it flags you , Probably it is the main thing taken into consideration and not acpl .

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