
Streaming Chess Question

Hi! I'm trying to get into streaming chess since I've been playing for a while, and I've seen a lot of girls streaming even if they're not very high rated (which is why I thought it would be cool to try it). I have no idea how to get followers or even to really start out. I have a twitch channel in place, and I streamed once with my profile up on the streamer site but didn't really get any viewers. Hoping someone might see this and offer some advice. Thanks!
First, Welcome to the Chess streaming community!

Now for some tips.

1) Find what you like to do and simply do it. If you like Classical Chess, stream that. Puzzles? Stream it! Study sessions? Stream it!

Whatever you do, stick to your guns and the right people will find you.

2) Make a schedule and stick to it like it is a job. You are more likely to maintain regular viewers if they know when you will be online.

3) Do not mention viewers, or even think about your viewer count. Complaining about it on stream, not doing anything at all when you think no one is watching, or anything like that will only turn people off of your channel.

4) Based on point 3, always act like you are streaming to people! Talk to yourself about the games, explain what you are doing, be animated; NEVER just sit there not talking slouched over your computer waiting for someone to come along and watch. Chances are, they already came by and left because you were boring.

5) I cannot stress this enough: Be yourself and do what you enjoy doing! It will take you a long time to establish yourself, and it will not be easy to build a community. You need to be enjoying yourself first and foremost, otherwise you will be another streamer in the "Less than a year before they quit" club.

6) Raid another channel when you are done streaming! Even if you only have a few viewers to share, spread them to other community members. This helps connect you with other streamers, while also getting some visibility to yourself. Be sure to hang out for a bit in the channel and interact for best results, otherwise you look like a "Raid advertiser" and people tend to not return the favor. Pro tip: If another streamer comments on the size of your raid in a negative way, be sure to black list them from future raids.

Follow these tips, and you should be well on your way to growing as a streamer.

Just remember, and not to dissuade you, but it will not be easy at the beginning. You will spend a lot of time streaming to no one at all. But every streamer around started that way, and if you put in the work it will pay off.

Good luck!
I've been streaming on twitch and YT (channels anon.) and I've found that people like either high-level gameplay with commentary and tips or funny chess stuff like mems

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