
Swiss tournaments for casual players

Hi, I have an idea for making the tournaments more accessible to casual players. Many people don't want to join tournaments, especially for smaller teams, because of scheduling conflicts and being paired multiple times with players who are rated at a much higher level. Swiss tournaments are better for that second issue, and I believe the first issue (scheduling) could be improved upon with an option for correspondence games in tournaments. So each player would have a day or so to move, and the next round would begin after all games were completed. True, the tournaments could go on for weeks or months, but I think casual players wouldn't mind this; right now they may be used to emailing or texting moves back and forth with eachother and not even using a service like lichess.

Anyway I just wanted to make the suggestion . I do appreciate having what is already a great tournament feature, just an idea.
There is a 45+45 league
There is a daily classical tournament
Correspondence tournaments are usually played with all games simultaneously, as otherwise it would last too long. Top correspondence tournaments are at 3 days/move and easily last for over a year to complete.

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