
Is this a mistake?

> @VihaanDumir
> No. Queen vs Rook is a known win for Queen. For known few pieces endgames that favour a win for one side, players have to play till they reach result or 50 moves (draw rule) whichever comes first.

I understand, but sometimes the 50 move rule comes first, thus making the position unwinnable and drawn.
The criteria I am using to talk all these stuff is that I assumed existence of perfect play and that both sides play perfectly when there are 7 pieces or less. Which is then used to declare the result of game by seeing the position.
Yes but in time pressure you cannot expect perfect play, that is why the rule exists. I agree the rule is quite outrageous in some positions but there is a legitimate way to hang mate in this one in time pressure.
If white has a pawn on the a-file and black has a king on a8, if black flags, should they lose the game - as if they play ka8-kb8-ka8 etc. they can't lose. Does this seem right?

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