
I need a break

Yes I was 2400+ for awhile ... Then would stop & still play many games Casual , So I would Play Rated & regain my rating quite easily as of late HOWEVER the last time about two weeks ago I just didn't & went down to unmentionacle numbers ... So I stopped around 2300+ this time around after 3 days of I guess younger players call "Tilting" (I'm 57 going on 58) @RealDavidNavara & I own a business which needs attention at times !
Create a zen mode-only account. Use it whenever you feel like this. NEVER turn off zen mode.
This can happen to anyone who is playing online. My recommendations are:

1) Try to get into better shape mentally, physically, emotionally with sufficient rest and proper relaxation - in a way which is beneficial for you. Take indeed some rest from chess.

2) Try to learn something new for you chess, maybe some new opening ideas or try to refresh some creative ideas from middle game or endgame by studying chess literature, magazines or top games, even experiment with Stockfish 15.1 assistance with some particular positions which you find difficult to play or interesting to play in a real game. It might be beneficial not only chess wise but also psychologically- to have enjoyment from the game back again.

3) Try not to play blitz online or OTB at least for some time, try to solve challenging puzzles on regular basis in OTB mode to strengthen your concentration, calculation, vision and stamina and try to play puzzle storm or puzzle rush regularly to strenghten your fast calculation. tactical awareness and vision in screen /2D mode for stronger online blitz performance.

4) Try to reduce your blitz games online and OTB overall and better try to play rapid or classical games in Standard chess or Chess960. I do not recommend to skip blitz rigorously because everyone, including chess professionals need some fun and excitement- psychologically- from time to time. If you dont need to improve your mouse skills I would recommend to skip bullet altogether, because its harmful in many ways long term. Good idea to prevent some unnecessary rating losses is to play unrated games.

5) Try to apply more proper daily regime overall. Try to adapt mentally, physically, emotionally, socially etc. for something meaningful and valuable for you. I mean something which can, step by step, lead you to interior freedom, piece of mind, hapiness and success. Regular fitness and responsible health care are also part of the game.

Last words: I am your long time big fan David. I wish you all the best in chess and in life as well - good luck !
In standard after you win, the other guy is ready for you next time. So it makes sense to stick to 960 between the biggest events currently. Not sure why amateurs torture themselves with standard prep, might change in future.
@vishytheplayer said in #3:
> Take a mini vacation maybe or attend a music concert for a change. Get some exercise too.
> Cya soon.

Art revitalizes the soul, I strongly second this. I enjoy the occasional trip to a local art museum along with music concerts.

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