
Is Kasparov the greatest Woodpusher in the history?

Kind of disturbing a 1800 player ( lichess, not even fide) trying to criticize the playing style of Kasparov. You are just in a position of trying to analyse his games and hopefully learn something... That's the unfortunate truth, sorry. If you trying to learn, you are free to criticize his moves in a particular game, not his chess strenth or playing style. In this game, on the other side of the board there was Ivanchuk, one of the greatest players ever too. So, give him some credit...
Noobs underestimating experts, Dunning-Kruger I can hear you.

Until MC, Kasparov had the highest rating ever. Nuff said.

Btw, this game was pretty cool though. Kasparov played a real good tournament as far as I can remember; except for his encounter with crack-pot Chucky.

Edit: oops, I meant that one. sorry!
Is this a good time to point out that in the must-win game 24 of the 1987 world championship match against Karpov Gary K played the English, fianchettoed both bishops, and duly won the game and retained the world title? Unlike bozos like us great players are masters of all styles of play.
Sry, I can only see one Woodpusher (Klötzchenschieber) here and it's not Garry or Chucky.
Thread starter is drunk. This is the only explanation for this thread.

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