
Hey, Maggie.

Either you or someone on your behalf showed us how to crush the Grunfeld as White on YouTube. I still won in perfection as Black with it on my own. You can build a perfect machine out of imperfect parts, Mr. Carlsen. That goes for the rest of ya...

Be honest. How many of you would play Qc8 as best move without help from the A.I? Some never, others after a while...

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@MrPushwood said in #2:
> ...I think I've got something to say to you!...

When I see Carlsen I can put that song on my cell phone. Blast up in the chess hall for Magnus and everyone to hear. Qc8 is 2000 elo at least. I could be wrong, yet it is not a beginner move.
don't think I can't guess Qc8 move Myself Plz, I actually love smart moves and make them happen, because My dream is To Win SF everyday xD
but I never ever will use engine to cheat, I just find that that is most worse and unhonorable thing in chess
Proud to have these types of discussions. How often do Super GMs shoot the breeze with other chess players? Magnus and the others are so busy with Stockfish they forgot what it is to be human. I do enjoy a joke or a good sense of humor every now and then. This is before we are all assimilated.
@derkleineJo said in #3:
> @MrPushwood NO, NO, don't... Ahh, too late...

What is that even supposed to mean? I struggle to find the pattern with these posts.
@AsDaGo said in #9:
> What is that even supposed to mean? I struggle to find the pattern with these posts.

Probably not as interesting as those games you play in 69 moves. How much experience do we have with stuff like that? ;)

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