
Distracting Checkmark when completing puzzles

It seems I haven't done puzzles lately, so I missed that. I think they look a bit off design wise, and are too prominent as well.

Maybe if their design was more coherent with the site, and maybe only show them for half a second or so and then fade them out...

When I look at the board, I want to concentrate on the position and calculate. Having visual clutter on top of it seems odd.

Generally I am not a fan of settings for UI/UX stuff, but I would really like to turn them off. User styles are quite a hurdle for many, and don't work with full screen web apps on the iPad at all, unfortunately.
Much like board highlights and piece destinations, it would be really nice to be able to turn off this new checkmark feature within Preferences -> Display.
I can see how it might be nice on mobile, but it's redundant for those using the site on desktop - there was and still is a green checkmark/red X off the board to the right.
It maybe should also be turned off by default when using Zen mode.
It's a bit much when trying to replicate real board look-and-feel.
I also find this new feature distracting. I would prefer to be able to turn it off.
I also find the new checkmarks really irritating and distracting, especially when you try to recalculate after the first few moves and there is always this checkmark next to a piece. I don't really see the need for it either, as there is already a feedback checkmark, at least in the desktop version, but even in the new app I found the checkmarks quite distracting. I would prefer this as an optional setting in both app and desktop version.
IMHO the checkmark is irritating. Please turn it off or make it optional. Thanks in advance!
The problem with the checkmarks that make them annoying is that after you get the first move right and you are trying to consider the next move, the green checkmark is like an annoying fly that won't leave the board. If the green checkmark appeared then faded away, that would be tolerable.
When can we expect this to be removed or have an option to turn it off?
@bufferunderrun said in #8:
> Stylus and
> @-moz-document url-prefix("https: //") {
> cg-container .cg-custom-svgs { display: none; }
> }
> should take care of it.

Thank you for this.

For those using UBlock Origin (or any other ad-blocker), creating a filter for the .cg-custom-svgs element will do the trick as well. This will also work on mobile.
Agree they are not only completely useless but distracting as well
Very annoying to have this check mark suddenly introduced for no reason - makes the puzzles almost unusable for me and #8 may very well be a solution if you know what it means! Most people are not developers.