
Player admitting he is DRIVING while playing chess.

I am here to report player vfredcxwqaz who admitted in the game chat that he was driving and playing chess.
I require a ban for this player.
I have screenshot of the conversation.
shouldn't he be COMMENDED for playing while driving?????
I don't think lichess is part of any police apparatus and doesn't enforce any countries laws but only their own ToS. I believe playing lichess while driving isn't mentioned in their ToS.
Don't publically shame people. Use if you need to report them.

That said, Lichess isn't going to ban anyone for that. They were probably joking anyway.
No problem, if Lichess isn't banning the player, I will leave as enforcing a widely open wrong behaviour, joking or not, is not my cup of tea.

I don't think Lichess wants to boss people around like that. You threatening to leave will not change that.

Feel free to close your account when you're ready. I look forward to your departure.
Thanks for your incredible insight @yabbadabbadooooooo . I will leave now, leaving you to your world in which people is driving while playing chess or does other dangerous stuff.

I will add something before I go.

I was already planning to go. Behaviour on this community is dramatically toxic.

Example 1 : I am 100% sure that the command is bugged. Over hundreds of games, occasionally, it will behave as if I left pressure on the mouse key though I did not. Tried with different mouses. People will refuse allowing a take back even if the move is super dumb and you proved to be better than that, and even if you ask the undo BEFORE their move.

Example 2: Very often people will not try to checkmate you, but to mock you and humiliate you by getting as many queens as possible. Yes, I can resign, and this is what I usually do, yet that does not make those players less scumbags.

Example 3: I reported a lot of players insulting, like inviting me to have a sexual intercourse with myself or so on. None of this reports worked. And even if it leaded in a ban, due to the high numbers of unpolite players, this has no effect.

I've been playing chess for years.
I've never had a player saying me "You moved, thanks" if my piece slipped out of my hand and felt on the board.
I've never had a player trying to get 5/6 queens. They just wanted to end the game asap.
I've never been insulted by another player.

This leaded me to think that the community has something toxic within itself. Plus, people not acknowledging that declaring to drive and play is a dangerous thing, well that is the final step.
I'm done.

I wished I could say that I had a wonferful time here, but... no I did not.

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