
I think I suck at Blitz. The lowest time control I will play online is 10+10.

10+10 is still pretty fast. I'd consider it to be blitz.
I won't play faster than 15+10. I can't effectively play any faster. I know I'm not a great chess player but I can hold my own a lot of the time against people my level which is in the 1200s on lichess. I am prone to blunders though as I often don't fully consider the position and should be taking more time to make a move.
all kinds of nonsense happens in blitz, bullet and blitz just make your chess worse, if you want to actually improve and not flag people all day long then 10+ minutes is the best option although this is also a very small time control
Try this, i start from 15 next 10 minutes and next next maybe 5+3 and go to 1 minute i'm sure you will be getting better and you have to try remember the diagrams to do fast clicks which you remember but this is higher school of being pro. Good luck :)

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