
I think I suck at Blitz. The lowest time control I will play online is 10+10.

I suck at Blitz. Being an online player, I don't have the chess memory to play Blitz or Bullet games that other stronger and Titled players have. So, the lowest time control I will go to is Rapid 10+10 or 10+5 games now. My fast intuitive memory is too prone to be wrong in playing Blitz games in chess online.
1st week: 10+0 2nd week: 9+0 3rd week 8+0 etc. soon, u get to blitz. small steps! how bout 10+10 the 10+5 then 10+0 then 8+2 then 7+3 then 6+4 then 5+5 then 5+3 (that is blitz!)
@GimmeABotvinnik I am a slow learner. So even though I play a lot of Blitz games online, I always blunder. But, I don't blunder in 30+0 games much. So, I think, I will only play Blitz games after I have developed my chess intuition that does not blunder. (That the players have who play 1+0 Bullet games have.)
i suck at blitz too.I either overthinks and lose on time or play too fast and blunder pieces. I haven’t played that many bullet games but got crushed in most of them i played...
As a Grischuk fanboy you should learn to – most important – get into time trouble (best done in blitz) and to – even more important if possible – excel in time trouble.
play 5+3, play slow and get a good position, and the inc would save you at the end
I need to learn to walk before I try running. Slow chess, 30 + minutes, gives me time to think about the position. All the more power to those who can play fast, but I feel like a pretender at anything under 10 minutes.
i absolutely reek at blitz, but i play it these days, and is all i play. i think 10m is a good blitz-like TC.... i never liked 20 to 30m games... they are in between blitz and long games, but too close to blitz......... for me, either blitz or a long game...

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