
International Criminal Court Arrest Warrants of Israeli and Hamas leaders

@Noflaps you only choose what fits your narratives but that's natural, after all that's how debates work ain't
Anyways, here's everything else u forgot 2 include in ur errand
Wasreal warns citizens to leave a place but doesn't give them a "where to leave"
Wasreal tells Palestinians about safe areas, but bombs them as soon as they arrive there
You will now tell me rockets ain't making the diff between a 5amas and a child? But don't snipers usually distinguish figures? How can a sniper accidently shoot a journalist in the foot or a solder going and pushing a kid or a tank launching at a clearly civilian gathering, whatabout drones? Ain't these have cameras mate? You can lie to yourself saying all the deaths are caused by bombing 5amas bases but what I see us delib targeting of civilians
You can lie to yourself n' say they don't target civilians, but it is not the eyes that are blind, but it is the hearts in the chests that grow blind
@HiramHolliday said in #54:
> Nope...don’t care.
You seem to care enough by posting on this thread, when Idc bout smth u don't even comment on it not read what others say
I don’t care because our countries have had enough conflict to last forever.Now it is someone else’s turn. I can exercise my right of free speech, secured by the sacrifices of those that went before.
@HiramHolliday said in #56:
> I don’t care because our countries have had enough conflict to last forever. Now it is someone else’s turn. I can exercise my right of free speech, secured by the sacrifices of those that went before.

-By asking to chill out, you're also taking the side of deniers who pretend terrorists are bad while actually if those who committed it before the country was born it doesn't matter anymore.

Funnily even if one of the most celeb of those terrorist has been Prime Minister of the country, we should give him a free license to kill civilians.

You can put in the debate things from WWII while writing this

>1946 is almost a century ago and was before the creation of the current nation of Israel. Israel did nothing in 1946, because it didn't even exist yet!

While having written this

>Should Britain have been careful not to kill "too many" Germans after London was bombed? Should America have stopped, after Pearl Harbor, as soon as it had killed 2,403 enemy soldiers? Should Russia have stopped shooting at Germans when they began to withdraw from Leningrad? Would that have been realistic and advisable until those who started World War II had been beaten or surrendered? Should Roosevelt and Churchill have been indicted for war crimes?

>Should the descendants of the Aztecs murder innocents in Madrid? I think not.

This effing double standard is unfair.
Are we denying this?

>From 1897 to 1948, the ***** primary goal ***** of the Zionist movement was to establish the basis for a ***** Jewish homeland in Palestine *****, and thereafter to consolidate it. In a unique variation of the principle of self-determination, the Lovers of Zion united in 1884 and in 1897 the first Zionist congress was organized. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, a large number of Jews immigrated to first Ottoman and later Mandatory Palestine, and at the same time, some international recognition and *****support was gained, notably in the 1917 Balfour Declaration by the United Kingdom *****. Since the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, ***** Zionism has continued ***** primarily to advocate on behalf of Israel and to address threats to its continued existence and security.

Menachem Begin
(1913—1992) Israeli statesman, Prime Minister 1977–83

>Prime Minister of Israel 1977–83 Born in Brest‐Litovsk in White Russia (later Poland), he graduated in law from the University of Warsaw. He was soon active in the radical Revisionist Zionist Movement, whose Polish president he became in 1939. After the outbreak of World War II Begin was imprisoned by the USSR, and was interned in Siberian labour camps until 1941. He joined the Polish army in exile and was sent to Palestine until demobilization in 1943. As commander of the Irgun Zvai Leumi, he became involved in various terrorist attacks against the British, including the destruction of the King David Hotel. On the creation of Israel he founded the Herut (Freedom) Party, which he represented in parliament (the Knesset) from 1949. During the Six Day War in 1967 he joined a National Unity government and in 1973 helped to form the right‐wing Likud bloc.
>Likud won the elections of 1977, whereupon Begin became Israel's first non‐socialist Prime Minister. During his leadership, US military and financial assistance rose to new heights, in return for his acceptance of Sadat's overtures for peace. In 1978, he signed the Camp David Accords, which ended hostilities with Egypt, Israel's most populous neighbour, also requiring it to relinquish its vast occupied territories in the Sinai peninsula. For this, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. His decision to invade the Lebanon in 1982 proved to be misguided, however. It failed to meet its objective of destroying the PLO, aroused widespread international condemnation, and inflicted heavy casualties on the Israeli army. He resigned in 1983 despite his undented domestic popularity.

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