
International Criminal Court Arrest Warrants of Israeli and Hamas leaders

The subject of discussion is not funny. Never pretended it is fgs! What is funny is you constantly doing straw man while in return inferring using emojis and getting tired of endlessly replying to your weaselling with your relentless argumentum ad hominem ==
> [emojis are] used because no real answer or logical counterargument comes to mind, but the responder still wants to respond and have, in essence, a last word, or perhaps to try to create the impression that many disagree with a post

That's quite a stretch!

Some here told me I'm wasting my time replying to you. Maybe I should listen more carefully?

Look at what you're doing and ask yourself if you are not doing what you're complaining others are doing to you.
Oh friends, you don't understand, Israel has hundreds of captives and hostages from Hamas, what do you ask them to go and knock on door after door in Gaza 'Excuse me, did you happen to see an Israeli?' It's all nonsense and the force used by other countries in such cases was far beyond comparison, for example the USA when it fought the Taliban and more
@zvik said in #82:
You're being sarcastic but you're right; the best way to get hostages back is NEGOTIATION, since all this gaza bombing hasn't returned any hostage "alive" the ones u go were through negotiations
Israelis will get their hostages/people back..... DEAD.... and there always will be doubt who really killed them. Kidnappers from Palestine/Hamas or the own bombing stuff ? : (((
Bottom line: if hostages hadn't been taken in the first place, no hostages would die in any event. Attacking a country leads to a military reaction in the real world. Remember Pearl Harbor? And this is hardly the first time Israel has been attacked. I guess they've decided that it should, however, be the last.

As for making "so many absurd claims" (to use your words), you don't identify with specificity any that I have made, @Al-Ghoul . I'll have to let the room decide, and if I have accidentally said anything untrue, I genuinely apologize, since that is never my intention. I harbor no animosity toward civilians living in Gaza or anywhere else.

But I can't get around the fact that such attacks on Israel have to stop. Yet we still see people shouting "from the river to the sea." That doesn't seem like a wise way to bring about a lessening of tensions. And it doesn't seem to suggest that negotiations would be particularly effective in the long run, does it? Do you have anything to say about that?

Negotiations would be fine, if they genuinely stopped the killing, finally, not just temporarily (as seems to have been the case so far in history), and if they didn't lead to the end of Israel. After all, Israel is not that large to begin with and Israel's 100th birthday is not far off.

Former rulers of the "Fourth Reich" once tried to remove Jews from Germany (and elsewhere). From the Rhine to the sea, I guess. They claimed at the time to have justification, didn't they? But there was no justification. We must never repeat such history. And I believe the good people now living in Germany would agree.
@Noflaps said in #87:
> Bottom line: if hostages hadn't been taken in the first place, no hostages would die in any event. Attacking a country leads to a military reaction in the real world. Remember Pearl Harbor? And this is hardly the first time Israel has been attacked. I guess they've decided that it should, however, be the last.
Before Oct 7th Wasrael took hostages, ukl tell me they 5amas, they literally children who didn't even go to court
> As for making "so many absurd claims" (to use your words), you don't identify with specificity any that I have made, @Al-Ghoul . I'll have to let the room decide, and if I have accidentally said anything untrue, I genuinely apologize, since that is never my intention. I harbor no animosity toward civilians living in Gaza or anywhere else.
Untrue? No, but you were only sharing one side of the coin, the side that fits your narratives which as I said is ok since that's how debates work
> But I can't get around the fact that such attacks on Israel have to stop. Yet we still see people shouting "from the river to the sea." That doesn't seem like a wise way to bring about a lessening of tensions. And it doesn't seem to suggest that negotiations would be particularly effective in the long run, does it? Do you have anything to say about that?
That's why there should be a 1 STATE solution where there isn't a superior race with superior rights to the other
> Negotiations would be fine, if they genuinely stopped the killing, finally, not just temporarily as seems to have been the case so far in history, and if they didn't lead to the end of Israel. After all, Israel's 100th birthday is not far off.
Literally just google Oct 6th Palestine and see what happened just the day before if u wanna know who started the aggression, if we go who started it first we would end up with wasreal being the one who started
> Former rulers of the "Fourth Reich" once tried to remove Jews from Germany (and elsewhere). From the Rhine to the sea, I guess. They claimed at the time to have justification, didn't they? But there was no justification. We must never repeat such history. And I believe the good people now living in Germany would agree.
So now ur saying that from river to the sea means removing jews from palestine? Ur confusing ethnic groups with nationalities, a nationality can uphold different ethnic groups religions... race is related to genetics, so if you will make a race superiority County don't expect it to go well
Palestinians don't want to remove jews, they want to have a 1 state solution where all races are EQUAL
@Al-Ghoul , you reply, to my observation that you did not specify my supposed "absurd claims," this way: "Untrue? No, but you were only sharing one side of the coin,..."

In other words, you still haven't specified any "absurd claims" that I made. You just want me to argue for your position, apparently, and are not happy that I cannot.

You say there "should be a 1 STATE solution" (to use your words, including the capitalized word). There already is one state. It's nearly a century old. Do you not want that state to continue? I have a hard time interpreting your words in any other way, but I don't want to put words in your mouth, so I'll let you answer in your own words, if you so choose.

In my opinion, NOTHING justifies the horror of October 7. I'm sorry I can't argue that something does, but I can't.

And as far as "equality," do you realize (and I quote here from Wikipedia): that "[t]here have been Israeli Arab members of the Knesset ever since the first Knesset elections in 1949. The following is a list of the 100 past and present members....." (and then the article goes on to list a bunch of names. I've found in the past that sometimes people are surprised to know this!

And it's not hard to find, on the internet, this headline apparently published by the Jerusalem Post in 2012: "Knesset now has record number of non-Jewish MKs." The Knesset is, of course, Israel's parliament, and "MK" apparently means "member of the Knesset."

Israel doesn't seem at all to me like America's "Old South" once was. I've never been to Israel, and I could be wrong. But seeing Arabic non-Jews in Israel's parliament -- many of them -- for a long time -- confuses me when I hear people describe Isarel as if it were an apartheid state.

But I could be wrong about a lot of things, and I say that sincerely. But two things I can't avoid thinking: (1) October 7 was a horror that cannot be repeated and is simply not justifiable, and (2) Israel should not be made to disappear.
@Al-Ghoul said in #84:
> You're asking me for sources while you made so many absurd claims without providing sources
> So I also expect you to share sources for your claims :)
> Also

Looks like someone here can't see the the lie behind we warn you and you can leave for a safe place. In fact the dude will repeat the lie ad nauseam. Isn't easy to win a debate when you can cherry pick the facts and weasel your way out? ;-P

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