
Can't get above 1400 in rapid, is it helpless?

My suggestion for white is to adopt vienna system. People rated at these interval often don't like to develop and castle quickly in this situation and you can crush them easily simply add pressure and eventually sac sac mate
For black, try French. Personally I hate French because of its innate trench warfare that is so difficult to exploit as white. Unless your opponent is really really sensitive to piece activity and attack like tal, It's safe. At least you have a draw :)
@kindaspongey said in #30:
> but it seems that progress is often slow with that approach.

Yeah, I have a lot of these where I blunder like that like a total .... lol
The reason I blunder is that I get tilted and frustrated with chess
and the reason I get tilted and frustrated is becasue I blunder like that!!

And I'm sure many people have this issue, it's funny and pathetic, I have to admit
@vihaan_the_Gder said in #32:
> By losing 1 pawn, do you mean trading or losing a pawn for nothing?

I mean losing a pawn for nothing, and not seeing simple moves that will end in a pawn lose
This is really bad to resign like that, I'm aware of that, but I just get so mad at times and click resign
@Enlightenmania2022 said in #33:
> ... The reason I blunder is that I get tilted and frustrated with chess
> and the reason I get tilted and frustrated is becasue I blunder like that!!
A factor might be the decision to “just” play "10+0s" games. Also, the willingness to castle into the open (13...O-O-O) while leaving three pieces at home.
You are capable of doing it. Find the answer. I experienced the same situation in 1300 when I was 34 years old. In my case, I fixed my openings. I am currently 40 years old. I never had a chess coach. I fix my own chess.
@anonymous_training1 said in #36:
> You are capable of doing it. Find the answer. I experienced the same situation in 1300 when I was 34 years old. In my case, I fixed my openings. I am currently 40 years old. I never had a chess coach. I fix my own chess.

This is actually motivating ...
Thank you!

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