
Chess set but the pieces have my face and wife's and kids faces in them?

I have googled and googled, all I can find is cheap plastic ones that dont come close to looking like us.

anybody seen a website or shop that can create very fine pieces in our image?
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Perhaps contact someone who has a 3D printer. I don't know what kind of price they'll charge.
How many kids do you have and what’s your budget? Would you prefer kids as pieces or pawns?

The easiest way to produce a realistic portrait would probably be painting (if your looking for something realistic but handcrafted) and if your faces glued to a flat surface is enough, then you can do it yourself probably, not sure if that’s „fine“ tho.

Would you prefer hand-carved wooden faces? Would a satirical simplification of your faces be enough? Those preferences have different requirements regarding piece size and craftsmanship (regardless of material).

I wish you luck finding an artist. Probably there are good sites where you can post the assignment and let the artist find you. Be prepared to pay some up front for such personalized work (that’s what I assume - I don’t know anything about art tbh).
Found it! Or her rather . Brush artist that makes 3 d models of human heads..she made a 3d of my face and real quick just stuck it on a king she downloaded .no finish work but just to show me that she can make my face quick..i will see if this forum will let me put in a link tp youtube in my post

thats me!
im going to hire her. just king queen and my kids face on the pawns hahaha

i cant play for diddly- but when i loose--as always-i will get a grin just looking at the pieces
Why would you want pieces with your family's faces on them?! You do realize you will have to capture some of them, right?
@InkyDarkBird said in #8:
> Why would you want pieces with your family's faces on them?! You do realize you will have to capture some of them, right?+
because we like to grin and laugh -not alot of grinning because i win, i dont win. just the cuteness of it

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