
Ask Me Anything

You may have started it on Lichess, but you just copied countless people doing it all over the Internet. Who themselves copied each other and so on.
@presumably said in #18:
> Well at least he's concerned with something which affects us all, as well as our children, and potentially the huma specie itself. I'd say it's a more important thing than starting a meme, but who am I to judge.
It's a hashtag, not a meme.
Memes are funny. That is the exact opposite.
@LordSupremeChess said in #19:
> It's a hashtag, not a meme.
> Memes are funny. That is the exact opposite.
Why do you always understand the opposite of what I am saying?

I was referring to the meme "ask me anything".

That said, a hashtag is essentially a meme (you might want to check the scientific definition of this word), and moreover if you think hashtags are going to solve the climate crisis you live in a sweet dream.

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