

Who here supports #ClimateChangeAction??
If you don't, then your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to read all of these articles below:

If you do support #ClimateChangeAction, or decide to change your side after reading the articles, copy and paste the hashtag below and make a comment on this post.
And remember we are the majority and #ISupportClimateChangeAction :).

I think one of the most important points on this topic to remember is, we have clear data that the temperature of the planet is increasing, and that that temperature matches the predictions of increasingly sophisticated computer models which show the harmful impact of man-made greenhouse gases in accelerating the greenhouse effect. And right now there are a range of possible outcomes, some catastrophic and some limited to damaging only certain coastal regions. However, we only have one Earth. So for the sake of the future survival and wellbeing of our species, it is our moral duty to do what we can to avoid running this experiment on the only home we have, as unforeseen feedback effects could lead to disaster, and we should not gamble with our home.

So please, stop listening to your Jordan Petersons, or whoever else is making uninformed arguments on the right. Take a look for yourself, read the sources and be a part of the right side of history :).

Also for those who may not like the Guardian for whatever reason, you can also check out the compiled list of counterarguments to top anti-GW myths created by volunteer scientists here, (as well as introductions to the topic):
Here are the facts: 90% of green house gases is made of water vapor, which is produced naturally through the water cycle (the sun heating bodies of water).

co2 is less than 5% of all green house gases and the man made portion is a fraction of fraction.

The co2 model does not predict changes in temperature, if it did we would not have a decrease in temperature in the 1970s a time of unprecedented human economic activity.

Also both the average temperature and CO2 levels have been much much higher in the past 10,000 years.

I guarantee any graph you've seen of "highest temperature recorded" is only showing the past 100 years.
i feel myself becoming more extreme and violent by the moment. sorry 'antiliteracyactivist.' im afraid youve lost another one

everything you posted is either wrong or misleading.

first most of our body is water. yet we can drown. agw does predict changes in temperature, and leaving aside the fact that if there were cooling in the 70's that would have been a change. next, where did you get the idea there was cooling in the 70's, and why would a cherrypicked 10 year period refute the science behind climate change? (please don't bring up the 2 magazine articles from the 70's that are usually used to assert that science predicted global cooling in the 1970's, in order to back up your assertion that there was cooling in the 70's. the last time co2 levels were this high was likely several million years ago.
we have reliable estimates of temperature going back much further than 100 years. is another good site, or you can just read the headlines about Lake Mead drying up, legal struggles over water rights in the US, unprecedented heat waves and blizzards and increasingly costly hurricanes, to get an idea.
@pretzelattack1 the co2 model says that increases in atmospheric co2 levels, mostly caused by human economic activity will lead to increased temperatures.

If this was true, then temperatures wouldn't have decreased during the post-war boom, which massively increased the size of human economic activity.
Lakes have always dried up, there are a million bigger factors than climate change that contribute to water shortages.

And just notice keywords about big weather events in the media, which are usually "unprecedented" like you said, along with "ever recorded" and "in history".

Which is purposefully deceptive, because bigger hurricanes and colder blizzards and hotter heat waves have happened in history, but people just never recorded them.

It probably wasn't until the enlightenment that people started recording temperatures and wind speeds and so on, and it wasn't started until the Early to mid 1900s.

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