
The best chess book ?

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I prefer Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess.The 1. but I also like My 60 Memorable Games.The 6.
"Chess Structures a Grandmaster Guide" by GM Mauricio Flores, Quality Chess
7 deadly Sins, Chess for Zebras (Rowson), MFTL (Hendriks), SOMCS (Watson)
- Michael Stean, Simple Chess
- Lev Alburt, Most Important Positions and Ideas
- Willy Hendriks, Move First Think Later

For serious study I like Artur Yusupov's training course (10 volumes).
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Any book by Kasparov
Any endgame book
My System - Aaron Nimzovich
1001 Brilliant Chess Sacrifices and Combinations and 1001 Brilliant Ways to Checkmate............... the ultimate lower level puzzle books.................. nice format, easy to carry......classics. i suppose they might be a little dated now with puzzle rush on and polgar's book.......what was it... 5307 puzzles? 5341 puzzles... it has one two and then three move mates, then a bunch of miniature games annotated.... it's good for figuring out how to chase that king around the 9 squares that will eventually imprison him. please don't louis xvi'th him........ poor guy

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