
6 point scores for a game

So I was thinking about the draw death of chess. Then it occured to me: what if a drawn game is awarded less points than a decided game? Also it would be possible to award more points for a stalemate game. The scores per side of the board would then be as follows:

win: 6 points
stalemate: 4 points
draw: 2 points
stalemated: 1 point
loss: 0 points

This would provide an incentive to always go for the win, instead of drawing the majority of games. Let me know what you think.

stalemated: 1 point
You are really not the first one with this idea. There have been tournaments, where the winner took three points, while a draw gave one point for both, and it did not change the draw quote. Stalemates are far too rare, to have a significant influence.
Obviously, the many draws in high level chess are *not* a result of motivation or taking risks, but lies in the game itself. So any proposal to change these factors will be useless.
There was a good bunch of decided games even at the candidates!
So R+B vs R might get you only 2 points if you really push for a win and play 50 moves or it might get you 4 points if you stalemate the opponent (2nd rank defense). How the hell does that incentivize one to play for a win?
Same with many other endgames including a few R+p endgames.
OP is probably someone who falls into stalemate traps a lot in bullet games and is salty about it.
Buddy, let's assume of its existence but then 'stalemated' should gain more ratings than 'stalemating player'. Cause the latter was on course of win but couldn't so they should be scrapped of points.
@NTCM said in #1:
> So I was thinking about the draw death of chess. Then it occured to me: what if a drawn game is awarded less points than a decided game? Also it would be possible to award more points for a stalemate game. The scores per side of the board would then be as follows:
> win: 6 points
> stalemate: 4 points
> draw: 2 points
> stalemated: 1 point
> loss: 0 points
> This would provide an incentive to always go for the win, instead of drawing the majority of games. Let me know what you think.
> stalemated: 1 point

The colluding Soviets in the 60s and 70s would welcome this!

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