
some puzzles broken

Please click the swords button under the puzzle "Continue from there" and finish the game versus AI 8 to demonstrate your line.
karimov, thinkabit doesn't need to prove anything .. Just follow his games you'll understand!! he is simply a Chess Pundit for sure..
Pero si en vez de f4 mueve Rc7 terminan siendo 7 movimientos para hacer jaque mate, igual que en el otro caso. Perdón por no saber inglés.
Ahh no perdón, recién me di cuenta que es un movimiento menos, porque si mueve Rc7 mueve Qh8++ y es jaque mate. Tremendo.
Thinkabit isn't proving it. He's showing it to us, because I don't know about you, but I couldn't see the Qe5 Qf5 mate without seeing it demonstrated to me.

He's right, though. Both are mates in 3, should be fixed. He's also right about the other one not seeing the quicker mating variation.

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