
More cheaters in lichess

@MRPDFoot said in #8:
> The only people who believe there are not cheaters on the site are cheaters. If I don't see a move within 10 seconds I abort.

I can take 10 seconds for a move, usually because
1. I've been waiting for someone to accept the challenge and meanwhile I'm doing stuff on another window and not realising someone accepted.
2. I'm thinking about what opening to play - sometimes it happens, but at least not as bad as David Bronstein who could spend 30 minutes on move one!

Yes, there are cheaters here and in every other online platform, but sometimes the suspicion can make you paranoid when there is an innocent explanation.
Has anyone noticed how cheaters worry about other cheaters.
@Cedur216 said in #2:
> Lichess has more stupid paranoiacs than actual cheaters. Apparently even some that think they can smell cheaters even before any move is played.

And some idiots think it doesn't exist on lichess.
I just play the computer.
If I want confidence I play level 3 or 4. Also to work on newish sidelines. I'm too old and busy to chase ratings.

If I want humiliated I play level 5 or 6.
It removes the psychology out of the game.
No worrying just play.

Find 7 to 15 other honest players near rating and play tournaments.
Eventually double the player pool.
Anyone clearly suspicious boot them out.
@petri999 said in #10:
> If you want to play just selected player then have agree them to play via chat and send challenges directly to them. Aborting lot ruins playing experience hence there is no way lichess in going to allow it.
I once got scammed rating by a cheater who was really nice.
Just play the game ! stop worrying about cheaters!!!!!

Will someone.... sometimes cheat against you? Sure.

All you are going to do is starting thinking every loss is due to someone cheating (hence thinking you are better than you actually are)

Just play the darn game!