
Lichess: is it really that nonprofit?

lol you act like a non-profit can't have any employees
And what is there to complain about? Do we get free chess? Yes. Are we bothered by lots of in your face ads or appeals? No. So, why worry about whether or not Thibault and others make some money? Should they be starving for your pleasure?

A little tip: Stop worry about what others are earning. It is not good for mental health.
At least this troll allowed the vast majority of us to tell a lots of good things we think about Lichess :-)
I have heard that only in 2017 the owner of started to pay himself a salary. Before donations were used only to cover server costs. The better solution.

By the way: according to his Twitter profile, Thibault Duplessis, stayed nearly all the last year in exotic countries like Thailand, Columbia etc. and nearly never at home in France. You can see it from the one side and say: he makes a good job with this site and I do not care about his private things. But one could say: he is on an everlasting holiday, works some hours per day for lichess, and the fun is raised by donators. However it feels strange. IMHO the CEO of a commercial company working 10 hours a day, is the more honourable solution.
Every cent which goes to his pocket is paid by volunteers. No one is coerced to pay him any money, but people do it out of goodwill.
Problem with the CEO of a commercial company working 10 hours a day, that they don't create such an awesome site as lichess and if they do, it won't be ad free and free at the same time.

Create something that people like, offer it for free and fool donors into supporting it.

Easy peasy.

Then you can go on an everlasting holiday in exotic countries.
#24 The exotic countries all have in common that it is very cheap to live there. You have no absolutely no idea how many hours of work he puts in. It isn't a vacation.

Edit: It is also worth noting that lichess does not have a set HQ. There is no legal or practical reason for him to stay put in France, if he wants to work from other places.

Your critique is exclusively based on your personal opinions and have no root in the real world.

I can assure you he works much more than CEOs of other chess companies.
"pays himself a whopping 3.888,50 $ salary per month"

Didn't check, but even if this is the right number... So what? Thibault deserves at least five-fold that for creating this site.

What a ridiculous topic.
How to troll Lichess:

1) Log in
2) Post something about Thibault's salary
3) Log out

Repeat steps 1-3 daily until people stop feeding you.
Dismissing users as trolls is a cheap way out. I am sure there are many that have the same misinformed opinions as the poster. The only way to fix that is to actually tell them the truth.

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